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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Minima quos praesentium minus eveniet labore natus dignissimos nisi illo est quam iusto officiis iure, molestiae in veritatis amet assumenda laboriosam cupiditate ad vel unde? Libero explicabo quisquam alias animi fugiat?

Our club is part of the Rotary International movement and we do our part in the global effort to support education, promote peace, grow local economies fight disease, provide access to clean water, save mothers and children. Check out Our Causes to find out the extensive community service work that we do.

Like our global effort to eradicated polio(which was kickstarted in The Philippines in 1979), Rotarians and its partners are serving humanity and making a difference. We would love to see you join us as a volunteer, donor, or future member of our club.

Go to Join Us to find out how you can be part of all we do; because, with you, we can do more.